At the most recent Ofsted inspection in March 2024 Ofsted judged Holbrook Pre-School’s overall effectiveness as Good with outstanding features. They made the following judgements:

The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and Attitudes: Outstanding
Personal Development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Good

The report includes the following comments:

  • Children flourish at this pre-school setting. Staff create a welcoming and nurturing environment. They help children and families feel valued and part of the pre-school. For instance, family photographs are displayed and photo albums created to celebrate the differences and similarities of each child’s family. This supports children’s emotional well-being and gives them a sense of belonging. The relationship between children and staff is a strength of the pre-school. Children develop strong attachments with their key person, which helps them to feel safe, secure, and ready to learn.
  • Children’s personal development is superbly promoted. They have access to experiences which help to provide them with an understanding of people, families and communities beyond their own. For instance, children regularly visit residents at a local care home. They form special relationships and share activities, such as ‘what’s in the box’. The residents pick an item out of the box that represents a nursery rhyme, and they sing the rhyme together with the children. Furthermore, the residents knit teddy bears for the children. The teddies join the children and families on adventures.
  • Parents speak highly of the homely and welcoming pre-school. They comment that they are privileged that their children attend. Parents appreciate the beneficial experiences their children receive through forest school activities and the outdoor learning approach. They say that staff keep them up to date with their child’s progress and next stages of learning.

You can read the full report by clicking this link.

In 2022 Holbrook Pre-School has received accredited ‘Communication Friendly’ status. This status lasts for 3 years before it needs to be renewed.

Communication Friendly Setting accreditation is awarded to settings that have trained all their staff in supporting speech, language and communication.